07396 718 254

Before making a booking, please get in touch to arrange a free 15 minute phone call to discuss how I can best help you.
I’ll be keen to know what you'd like help with and to discuss the outcome you'd like to achieve.
We'll work together to help you move forwards in as few sessions as possible. Everyone is different, so I won't ask you to commit to a series of sessions.
50 minute session
£85 per session
90 minute session
£125 per session
How to pay
Sessions can be paid for by bank transfer at or before each appointment.
If you have private medical insurance with Aviva, Vitality or Allianz Care, I'll just need a copy of their authorisation notice.
If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please provide at least 48 hours' notice.
Cancellations with less than 48 hours' notice incur the full session fee.
I will suggest what I think will be a suitable session length but the choice will be yours to make.

Get in touch
To find out how I can best help you, book a session or discuss the outcome you're looking for, please get in touch using my contact details below or fill out the form to arrange an initial free 15 minute phone call.
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
07396 718 254