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Human Givens therapy
The Human Givens approach emerged by asking a simple question: How do we, as human beings, achieve well-being?
Following millions of years of evolution, we are all born
'pre-programmed' with an innate set of physical and
emotional needs. ​​
When these needs are met in balance, we are mentally healthy.
To survive and thrive and meet our needs, we, like every living being, must continually maintain and rebuild ourselves taking nourishment from our environment.
It is the universal law of all living things.
Human Givens therapy focuses on helping you better meet your needs and improve your life by nurturing and developing your unique skills, talents and resources while treating and overcoming barriers, such as unhelpful conditioning or trauma.
​It works in tune with the 'givens' of human nature.
​At the heart of the approach is the understanding that to achieve well-being, the answer lies not in endless therapy, rather, it's getting your needs met in balance.
​​​​How well are your emotional needs being met?​
Take a couple of minutes to answer the questions below and find out.
10 benefits of the approach
Scientific - in tune with mind/body
​Brief as possible, giving you control
Feel better after every session
Sessions are structured​​
Change is measured
Learn concrete skills that are easily taught
Safe - no ideological 'beliefs' about symptoms
Identifies your strengths to bring about change
Builds on the best of the most effective, proven therapies
Practical, positive and forward-focused
'Emotions usually come before thoughts.'